【同义词辨析】 2018-09-12 危机juncture-crisis
juncture: stresses the significant concurrence or convergence of events that is likely to lead to a turning point: at an important ~ in our country's history. (concurrence1同时发生,2同意,converge会合会聚,cur词根表示跑,verge表示边界外延)
pass: implies a bad or distressing state or situation brought about by a combination of causes: things have come to a sorry ~ when it's not safe to be on the street.
exigency: stresses the pressure of necessity or the urgency of demand created by a juncture or pass: made no effort to provide for ~ies.
emergency: applies to a sudden and unforeseen situation requiring prompt action to prevent disaster: the presence of mind needed to deal with ~ies. (prompt迅速: 强调训练有素可以立即响应connotes training and discipline that fits one for instant response, 如the prompt response of emergency medical technicians急救医师们迅速响应)
contingency: implies an emergency or exigency that is regarded as possible or even probable but uncertain of occurrence: ~ plans prepared by the Pentagon.
pinch: implies a juncture, especially in personal affairs, that exerts pressure and demands vigorous counteractive action, but to a less degree than exigency or emergency: this will do in a ~.
straits: applies to a troublesome or dangerous situation from which escape is difficult: in dire ~ since the death of their father. (dire 1非常严重very serious,2糟糕very bad, 如living in dire poverty生活赤贫,dire warnings/threats严重警告/威胁)
crisis: applies to a juncture whose outcome will make a decisive difference: the fever broke and the ~ passed. (decisive决定性的,字面意思是了断to cut,如a decisive victory决定性胜利)
juncture关键时刻或情势: 表示事情并发会合, 将要产生拐点变化(turning point拐点),pass关口: 问题积累到需要过关斩将的地步,比喻情态严峻(distressing压力大痛苦即严峻), ,exigency紧迫: 强调需求迫切,emergency紧急: 指突发意外情况,必须迅速行动避免灾难,contingency也是紧急: 可能甚至很可能发生的紧急迫切情况,但不确定,pinch困难: 多指个人生活上的困难(pressure), 程度弱,straits困境: “困难”危险又难以逃脱,crisis危机: 其结果具有决定性影响的关键时刻
记忆方法: 1)首字母JPEECPCS分成JP SEE CPC日本看到共产党<==遇到危机
2)危机的意思是关键时刻或情势mean a critical or crucial time or state of affairs. (都是关键的意思,crucial暗示分叉即道路选择,critical暗示拐点)